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Showing posts from December, 2012

Some people can be called as Handicapped

Some people can be called as Handicapped Today (03/12/2012) is the day for alternatively abled people. I thought this is my duty to publish this blog today and create awareness to all. This topic will irritate you even if you are not a physically challenged person. I will explain the reason why I have mentioned this in my below blog. There is the evolutionary thought from the government for the people who born with the physical defects needs to be called as “Alternatively abled people” or “Differently abled people”. This initiative will prevent people from get disabled mentally. For the betterment of their lives government offer lot of priorities to them in terms of special allocation in the education, job and special queue’s and etc. Still there are some additional things needs to improve for the lives.                        I come to the matter now; the big question is who are all can be called as handicapped? This blog is not going to explain about any legal provis