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Showing posts from 2015

Setup a Strong Password

My previous blog cited about various unhealthy methods used in setting up a password. Here I would like to explain how to set up a strong and secure password which will not require great intellectual skills.      Instead of giving a passage, I thought of explaining this through some examples. The Setup your passwords as a phrase instead of single meaningful word. It is advisable and secure to use the textese (Known as SMS language) instead of words.   Password with words I would suggest you to take a small quote or statement instead of words predictable by others. “I love India” is a statement this can be used as “IlveInd”. In the given password you can find both capital and small letters used and the password strength is 7 letters were as most of the text only passwords require only 6 letters. Password with Alphabets and Numbers You may opt to provide passwords with a mixture of alphabets and numbers. In those places you can create a password using

A Trip to Hogenakkal

My roommates used to be busy even in the weekends and hardly get time to relax. We planned for a trip to Hogenakkal for the past 4 months and it executed on 08 th of March. This trip means something to me and I wish to share the experiences. Hogenakkal falls is a waterfall on the river Kaveri; sometimes described as the “Niagara of India”. It is located in the Dharmapuri district of Tamilnadu and it is 180 Km away from Bangalore city. Actually the name is derived from Kannada words Hoge (Smoke) + Kal (Stone), which literally mean fog from rock and you can witness this along with drizzling. You should not miss three things in your trip 1. Oil massage and bath in the waterfalls 2. Boating and 3. Fresh fish.   Instructions which won’t practically apply. We started by 5 o clock from Bangalore and reached around 8 ‘o’clock in the morning and as usual paid some bucks for entry and parking to unknown persons who disappear afterwards. As soon as you get down from the vehi

Unhealthy Password Practices

     I have written about the origin and evaluation of passwords in my previous blog. Since passwords playing an important role in cyber safety, the problem with us is to construct a right one. In some places you may opt to use text and number as password and some other places which should satisfy some conditions to setup a strong password.    While we are constructing a password, the biggest problem is to remember the password, so we use some unhealthy practices to make the password as healthy one. We are trying to satisfy the artificial intelligence system rather our security most of the time. That’s why the most used passwords are “Password” or the combination with the word password, below are some of the unhealthy ways we found to setup our password. Using own name or using names of family members and friends. Using the name of pets and other close objects. Using date of birth, anniversary. Using mobile number, vehicle number, employee id and othe

Password an Introduction

This digital world made every human to depend on electronic gadgets. Laptops and tablets become part of human life were mobile become an organ. We started putting all the personal and official materials also in binaries. Even though the digital methods are simple and user friendly, we encounter serious problem with data theft.    Passwords are invented to secure our information, but it had been hacked from Alibhaba period. Every service provider of internet services and mobile applications trying something new to make our access secure, but we won’t adopt it until some incident took place.    We have no evidence about the origin of passwords, but we came to know that passwords were used in different forms even in ancient days. Earlier secret words called code words to recognize a Spy and other person who are all in the secret services; later patterns were used to hide the information.     In the recent electronic period password is set up using the numbers lat